Aluminium Windows Neath


Aluminium Windows Neath & Swansea

Our Accreditations

Key Features

Aluminium Windows Swansea

Low Maintenance

Aluminium is renowned for requiring minimal maintenance throughout its lifetime. Your new aluminium windows will need only occasional maintenance to ensure the moving components are free of dust and debris, as well as annual oiling of the hinges.

Best Aluminium Windows Neath

Extensive Range

Our incredible aluminium windows are available in various styles and configurations, so you can easily choose the best fit for your home. Whether you’re looking for a steel replacement window system or classic casement windows, we can help.

Best Aluminium Windows Swansea

Energy Efficient

Designed with efficiency in mind, our aluminium windows can achieve outstanding U-values with thermally broken profiles and exceptional double glazing. Improve your home’s energy efficiency by choosing your new aluminium windows from Siesta.

Aluminium Window Installers Neath

Weather Resistant

Aluminium is the ideal choice for your new windows as a fully weather-resistant material. Our aluminium windows will help protect your home against the elements, whether near us in Neath, Swansea or further afield.

Aluminium Window Installers Swansea


Bespoke Aluminium Windows

By working with renowned suppliers, AluK, we have a wide selection of aluminium windows for you to choose from. With a range of styles, colours and configurations available, you can tailor their appearance to look exactly how you want them to. Whether you are near to us in Neath, Swansea or further afield, we have the perfect aluminium windows for you.

With an amazing array of benefits, aluminium windows are also the ideal alternative to steel. Whether installed in a contemporary new build or a more traditional property, you can tailor them to complement the existing style of your home effortlessly. Choose your perfect aluminium windows without compromise when you choose Siesta.

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Aluminium Window Prices Neath


High Quality Aluminium Windows

Aluminium is renowned for its inherent strength, durability and versatility, offering nothing less than excellence for your home. Built to the highest UK standards, our aluminium windows are designed to ensure the highest levels of safety and performance to keep your property safe and comfortable all year round.

As a naturally weatherproof material, your new aluminium windows will also be safe from rot, warping and distortion. This will ensure they retain their pristine appearance and your home’s security remains intact. In addition to the many benefits of aluminium windows, they are also incredibly lightweight, making them easy to install and operate.

Aluminium Window Prices Swansea


Why Choose Siesta Home Improvements?

When you choose Siesta for your new aluminium windows, you can do so with confidence knowing that we are a FENSA registered company and one of the longest established home improvement companies in South Wales. We have been helping property owners across Neath, Swansea and beyond since 1986, so you can be sure your home is in safe hands.

Our reputation as tried and trusted professionals is one that continues to stand the test of time. We ensure only the best experience for our customers by offering high quality products, exceptional customer care and installation standards, as well as a thorough aftersales service. Enjoy a smooth and hassle free experience with Siesta.

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Local Aluminium Window Installers Neath

Request a Quote

If you are near to us in Neath, Swansea or elsewhere within our extensive coverage area, you can use our online quoting engine to get a free bespoke quote for your new aluminium windows. Once you provide us with the required measurements and specifications, we can offer you a cost tailored to you, so you don’t have to pay more than you need to.

Swansea Aluminium Window Installers Near Me

Got A Question?


At Siesta Home Improvements, we understand that there are many elements to consider when choosing new aluminium windows. With over 35 years of experience assisting homeowners with their home improvement projects, we are confident that we can also help you. Read our frequently asked questions or get in touch to speak with us further.

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Are aluminium windows energy efficient?

How much do aluminium windows cost?

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